Posts Tagged ‘U.S. soccer Team’

World Cup Soccer and the U.S. soccer

When Landon Donovan (LA Galaxy) scored a very last-minute goal against Algeria, the first thing came up to my mind was, “Can this will bring new chapter of soccer to the U.S.?” 

Let’s watch this one more time? One more time what? You know this, the most dramatic moment of U.S. soccer in 2010, or maybe in last decade. 

Click here if the YouTube video clip doesn’t work.

Isn’t it great? 

Well, I know the United States has the most lucrative professional league in the World, named “NFL”. It is bit out-dated now, but, in one of my journal submission (and, it will be scheduled to be published next year in Journal of Communication Studies), I found that NFL had the most valuable professional sports revenue in the world in 2007 ($5.3 billion). NFL’s combined revenue was worth more than the combined revenue of the top 25 European soccer clubs ($4.2 billion). 

But, let’s face it. I wiki for this info. Well, last Super Bowl game was watched by 106 million American people, which broke the all time TV record. 2006 FIFA World Cup final had 600 million viewers in the World. 

I know I should be pretty happy with my favorite team’s winning Super Bowl. I was really happy when my Alabama Crimson Tide won the National Championship this year in College Football. 

But, I would like to see my country South Korea goes to semi final or final in the World Cup, someday.

Well, I would like to ask. What do you like to see more in your life time? Your professional football or baseball team wins Championship or the U.S. soccer team wins World Cup? 

And, is it just me who thinks in this way? It is kind of weird that I don’t see MLS pushes soccer in the U.S. much harder. Come on. It is a great chance. You need to wait for four more years to get a chance like this again.  In 2006 World Cup, the U.S. team didn’t go to the second round. Now, all Americans have a great memory of soccer, thanks to Landon Donovan. This is time to bring Beckham. Donovan may need to go to The Big league, but, bring Tom Howard. He is 31 and he can be an icon in MLS.

Anyhow, I just want to know, which one do you want to see more? World Cup win? Or Super Bowl win?