Posts Tagged ‘Kim Il-sung’

[Listening Post] Kim Jong Il died, but,…

I would like to post a daily listening post everyday. I really hope it works.

Today, I started my day with the news “Kim Jong Il died.” When his dad, Kim Il Song, died, I was a 7th or 8th grader.

I don’t know about Kim Jong Un, the “great successor,” like some news media reported, which made me nervous.

Public Relations

I wonder if the great successor took any communication class. I hope he did. I heard  that he was good at military studies.

Wow… what a legacy.

Then, I read couple more articles.

Social Media

It was indeed a total recall. I spent lots of time to reorganize my memories.

               I may not want to see this kind of article if I am a PR person for Montreal Cannadiens.

Then, I had to grade for all day.
OK. This is my first listening post. I hope I can keep this project going.