Archive for the ‘Listening post’ Category

[Listening Post] StumbleUpon and Pinterest, something I learned from my students.

Social Media

StumbleUpon and Pinterest are two platforms I truly learned from my students.

I agree. Facebook, Twitter, G+, etc., all need a headquarter. Blog can play a role as a headquarter.

Public Relations


I particularly agree with this statement. PR in Sports is a tough job.

The media has publicly condemned Penn State University even though 99.99% of the people associated with the school has absolutely nothing to do with the allegations against Jerry Sandusky. 96.000 students and over 500,000 living alumni have been publicly humiliated and have been dragged through the mud over the past seven weeks.

Sports had too many issues and crises this year. I am pretty sure we will see more and more problems coming out as we have more media channels.

  • AP sports stories of the year by AP

[Listening Post] I envy and admire Chan Ho Park, a former Dodger

Today was my grading day all day, which means that I did not have enough time to follow any news or stories. But, Chan Ho Park, who was once a great pitcher of Major League Baseball and has been my hero, signed the contract with Hanhwa Eagles. And, I think he sent a message to me as well as many people in Korea.


The Eagles initially planned to sign him on a 400 million won ($342,000) deal with an option of another 200 million won, but announced plans to donate the money to help nurture amateur baseball, in keeping with Park’s wishes.

I think this is what many organizations and celebrities in Korea need to take as a role model.

Social Media

I agree with his predictions: 1) Measurement is King, 2) institutionalization, and 3) consolidation such as Facebook vs. Google

I kind of want to add one more thing. There will be lots of social media activities related with social responsibility.

I am already addicted to Spotify. This is the change I like the most among all changes that Facebook has made.

Public Relations

Only 52 percent of workers say they “feel valued on the job.”

This quote reminded me one TED presentation, the power of vulnerability, presented by Brene Brown, research professor at the University of Houston. It is really important to communicate well with employees.

OK. Not much, but, please feel free to give me any comments!!

[Listening Post] Kim Jong Il died, but,…

I would like to post a daily listening post everyday. I really hope it works.

Today, I started my day with the news “Kim Jong Il died.” When his dad, Kim Il Song, died, I was a 7th or 8th grader.

I don’t know about Kim Jong Un, the “great successor,” like some news media reported, which made me nervous.

Public Relations

I wonder if the great successor took any communication class. I hope he did. I heard  that he was good at military studies.

Wow… what a legacy.

Then, I read couple more articles.

Social Media

It was indeed a total recall. I spent lots of time to reorganize my memories.

               I may not want to see this kind of article if I am a PR person for Montreal Cannadiens.

Then, I had to grade for all day.
OK. This is my first listening post. I hope I can keep this project going.